AlertCops, citizen Safety app for Mobile phones
What is the AlertCops?
It is a citizen security alert system of the State Law Enforcement Authorities (FFCCSE in Spanish)
The goal is to create a universal access to every public citizen security service, so any person, regardless their language, origin or auditory or vocal disability, can send to the State Law Enforcement Authorities (Police and Civil Guard) an alert about a crime or security incident whether they are victims or witnesses of such.
Once the registration process is completed and the access validated by a code that will be sent via SMS to the mobile phone number provided, the application will show a home screen with the following options, which may be selected by clicking the corresponding icon:
This service allows a citizen to send an alert from a mobile device 'smartphone' straight to the police bodies in a simple an intuitive manner, so they can be assisted quickly and efficiently.
2020 New additions to AlertCops
The AlertCops app of the Ministry of the Interior includes a new alert to immediately report cases of illegal housing occupation
New AlertCops alert to report hate crimes is now available
SOS button
Allows you to send an immediate notice to your guardians with your location and a 10-second audio. Offers reinforced protection for vulnerable groups: instantly alerts the nearest police forces for urgent attention.
AlertCops' benefits are:
- To offer a new communication channel between citizens and the FFCCSE, in addition to the already existing
- To provide foreigners, visiting or living in our country, with a channel in their own language to access to the security emergency services
- To improve the citizen response times and the information process
- To speed up the information and response demand protocol, obtaining the support seeker's information from the very beginning, such as: location, type of incident or any other relevant information
- To guarantee the accessibility to these services to people with communication disabilities.
How do I install it?
The AlertCops service is a mobile application that is installed in a mobile device 'smartphone'.
This application is available for these devices:
Once the installation is finished and at its first execution, this login screen will show up:
If this is your first time using the application, click on 'Enroll' to finish the registration process. All the fields marked with * must be completed. Remember that the more information you provide, more efficient will be the help offered by the FFCCSE, if necessary.
To finish the validation process you will receive a code via SMS. This code, together with your identification information and password, ensures that only you, from your registered mobile device, can send security alerts.
In the event of loss of this code, you can request a new one right away or finish the validation process later. Also, you will be requested to accept the terms of use that can be read here: here.
Users are allowed to have associated to their account three different mobile phones. Click "Add new mobile phone" to do this action.
After enrol and validation, the application will open the alert menu. To alter users data you can do it into "My data" section in AlertCops
How does it work?
Once the registration and validation process has been completed, the user will access the main menu. You will have to provide your main details again when the app is uninstalled or if you change your mobile device.
From the main menu, you can raise a new alert by choosing the icon which best describes the situation that is going to be informed. Then, you will be required to provide some additional information: where, who and when has happened the incident. Finally, it is requested to confirm the submission of the alert, which will be forwarded to law enforcement together with the registration data and geographical location. In addition to this, it is possible to raise a test alert from the main menu. This feature has been created to verify that the service is working properly. You can also request information via chat or call the nearest emergency dispatch centre (Police or Civil Guard)
By pressing the CHATS icon , the system will display the ongoing alerts, their status, the messages that are linked to them, and the chat with the agent (if this has been the case). The chat feature can only be enabled from the emergency dispatch centre. Once the alert has been managed and closed, the chat will be disabled.
From the MAP feature, you can test and verify the location and accuracy level which is going to be shown by the mobile device.
The MORE button gives you access to additional features such as the possibility of consulting and modifying your personal data, displaying the user guide, FAQs and legal conditions.