Advertising Benidorm Seriously

Successful Advertising  with Benidorm Seriously

If you have not yet read our article on How to achieve Successful Advertising, I suggest that may be a better place to start.  It will help make the information here relevant as we explain successful advertising with Benidorm Seriously.

At Benidorm Seriously we strive to make your advertising a success.  Our Article Successful Advertising explains some of the steps needed to make your advertising a success.  Unlike other advertising mediums we do not simply place your advert and forget about it.  

We actively set out to make sure your advertising is profitable for you.  After all, if your advertising with us works.  We have a repeat customer year after year.  We recognise that is it in our own interest to make your advertising a success.  That is the reason our entire team get behind your promotion.

But now it’s time for a confession.  One of the packages we offer is a complete advertising management package.  With that Package we will guarantee you will at least get a return on your advertising investment equal to the price paid.  If not, we will refund the difference.  It sounds too good to be true....  There is of course one small catch.  With this package we charge an additional 10% of everything we earn for you over and above the initial cost, but, it is genuinely risk free.  Profit or your money back.   

Now the confession.  We will work on your advertising for a maximum of ten minutes per day.  We know that’s all it will take to make it profitable but will earn us more money.

On the other hand, We are equally as happy to show you exactly what you need to do to achieve the same results spending just 10 minutes per day promoting your business.  Do it yourself and pay us nothing other than the normal price of your advertising package. 

Here are the tricks of the trade,

Successful advertising with Benidorm Seriously Facebook Group. 

Post once per day.  Always include a picture with your post. Try to change the information but maintain a common theme. ( the common theme is to make the post instantly recognisable as "your" post.)  Experiment with your posts in the early days and find out what works best for you but be careful.  Comedy posts for example can be highly effective at gaining a reaction, but they will only be profitable if your business name is prominent.  Otherwise they become “Tasty Tasty Very Very Tasty” (See Successful Advertising, if this needs clarification). It is better to post to your own page and share it with Benidorm Seriously, that way one post covers all and you will also be able to see the statistics to help improve the reaction to your posts.

Monitor reactions to your post and reply to any questions asked. 

Do not become impatient on days when your post does not produce a big reaction and be tempted to post several times more (or to give up for that matter).  Too many posts can lead to the reader selecting the option on Facebook “I don’t want to see this”.  Do not expect every post to be topic of the day.

This activity will create the repetition effect.  Readers who ignore your posts will still remember your name.  In time, if and when they are interested in what you are selling, they will remember your name. 

Successful advertising with Benidorm Seriously Business Directory. 

This is your own personal selling space.  It is carrying all of your details for contact, but you have the ability to do so much more.  Give the reader a reason to want to come back and visit it on a regular basis.  Remember our admin team add links to your directory not just with every post you make, but with every post we feel could lead to a potential customer for you.  Encourage your customers to leave reviews for you on your Directory Entry. These reviews are the internet equivalent of word of mouth advertising.   Use the other features of the Directory to add pictures and videos.  Change them periodically.  Enter your opening hours, Create announcements for readers to see when they visit.  There are many automated systems set up within the website.  For example.  If you create an offer for members within the Directory That offer (once approved) is advertised on the front page of the website as well as on other pages, which are periodically promoted by our admin team.  Your Business Directory entry portrays how our admin team will portray your business. 

This form of advertising fulfils the need for the visitor to be able to find you. I don’t mean just maps.  The customer needs something and you have been busy on Facebook reminding them every day of what you do.  They have remembered your name or at least what you do, but now, they cannot find your last post, they are not sure where you are based.  Have you an email address?  Remember Yellow pages?  Online Directories have replaced Yellow pages.  The Benidorm Seriously member will check the Directory for you.    Pay a little attention to what they will see when they find you.  If you are already one of our advertisers, and you have not used your business Directory.  The following may be a wake-up call. 

Find your Directory entry now.  Then open up the profile.  In the top right hand corner there is a little "eye" symbol.  Beside that there is a number.  That number is the number of people who have viewed your profile since March 2020.  That is not the number of people who happened to notice your post on Facebook.  That is the number of people who went looking for you.  Did you get a customer?  We can send the customers to you, but in the end you have to close the deal.  We really cant do everything for you.

Website advertising

This is passive advertising.  It is similar to placing your adverts in the newspapers or on the Radio.  But it still works.  Why?  Because your advert is again subject to repetition.  Over 2 million people use the website every year from almost every country of the world. Most of those are from the UK and a quarter of a million from Spain.  If you really cannot be bothered to promote your business, this method of advertising will at least do the Mathematics for you.  With this form of advertising you can look at any time and see just how many times your advert has been seen.  How many times viewers have clicked on it to find out more.  You are then able to consider how many of those people have given you business.  What is the average profit per customer and from that you can quickly see if the advert is paying for itself. The advert is your fishing Rod.  Sometime you need a net to actually catches the fish

Classified Section

The Classified Section of our website is free to use.  This is the area the corresponds with the odd job section of Newspapers.  It is often overlooked by sponsors fixated on the Facebook Group, but it is the area visitors return to again and again.  Check any advert on the site right now.  You can see how many hits the advert has received.  Hits here are important.  They are people who are interested.  Not people who just noticed as they were browsing for something else

This entire process will take 10 minutes per day on Facebook and 10 Minutes once per month updating your directory entry.  It will produce results.  That is why we offer to do it for you free.  if you are happy to share the profit.

 Thank you for reading.  Everyone at Benidorm Seriously wishes you a very successful year in Business

For more information, contact an admin on our Facebook Group

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