Benidorm UFO

Could a group member really have spotted a UFO in Benidorm?

At around 13.40 on Tuesday 5th November 2019 this strange object was photographed in the sky by Benidorm Seriously member Margaret Edwards.  What do you think?  Did we really have a UFO in Benidorm?

UFO in Benidorm?

We know its nearly Fiesta week, but is Benidorm being invaded by aliens ?

UFO in Benidorm?

Permission granted for use of photos from Margaret.

What could this strange object be.

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Footnote: Food for thought.  An unidentified flying object (UFO) is any aerial phenomenon that cannot immediately be identified or explained. Most UFOs are identified on investigation as conventional objects or phenomena.  Until this one is official identified, it remains a genuine UFO.  So you can now tell your friends there has been a genuine UFO in Benidorm

Have Your Say

  • AND the picture is also taken in daylight. Why would the light have been on?
  • You realise, I'm playing devils advocate here, don't you. I love a good mystery
  • Make a good point Derek perhaps I'm mistaken . Could it be what people are saying !!Aliens from outer space. Benidorm is really getting people fromMake a good point Derek perhaps I'm mistaken . Could it be what people are saying !!Aliens from outer space. Benidorm is really getting people from far and wide coming to see what a great place this is. . We're over in October again perhaps we could meet up have a chat drink ect . It's just me and the wife coming.  More ...
  • Yes of course, send me a message when you get here
  • Yes course I will . I see by your profile a musician ? We enjoy seeing acts live so be good to watch you do your set if still playing.
  • Andy Gibbons That will be hit and miss. I semi- retired in October. I now only do stand in work, covering for entertainers who are on holiday orAndy Gibbons That will be hit and miss. I semi- retired in October. I now only do stand in work, covering for entertainers who are on holiday or off ill.   More ...
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