DO NOT feed the Pigeons - Benidorm´s latest campaign
DO NOT feed the Pigeons campaign - Benidorm launches a campaign for its parks and gardens where it will be forbidden to feed the pigeons. The City Council wants to avoid this practice in green areas and raise citizens' awareness of the problems it entails.
This campaign is in place to avoid health problems but also to not degrade the image of the urban scene. Benidorm City Council has launched this awareness campaign to remind citizens that this practice is prohibited in the city as well as a municipal ordinance.
In recent times, the number of people who feed pigeons in green spaces seems to have increased. This practice is causing a cleaning problem, but can also lead to health problems. Therefore the Council of Public Space together with the Environment a campaign has been launched to try to prevent this action.
The Councillor of Public Space, José Ramón González de Zárate, explained that "it has been stipulated in the municipal ordinance for years, it is not a novelty". 60 posters will be put in green areas such as Elche park, one of the spaces where this problem occurs the most, but also along Poniente promenade, Neptune Square, Plaza España and other local parks.
These posters are not only remind people that this practice is prohibited, but that animal owners also have to clean up after their dogs..
Both issues can lead to "illness" but they also cost thousands of euros a year to clean and maintain these areas affected by animal droppings. "We have more economic cost in cleaning and maintenance in these areas," said the edil who noted that on occasion the droppings have cause accidents where citizens have slipped and fallen.
Please note this article has been translated from Spanish to English, so some details may be slightly lost in this translation. Read the original article HERE