Alicante, Montaditos and fun

Alicante, Montaditos and Fun Sharing a memory by R Colclough

I have always wanted to visit Alicante, so my invitation from Marian, a nice Spanish lady was greatly received.
My journey began from Benidorm, the place I was currently visiting. I was told the best way to go would be on the tram. I purchased a return ticket from the station office. The cost of the ticket was very reasonable, and the staff were most pleasant and helpful. I did not have to wait long for my tram.

The journey was most enjoyable, stopping at small towns, with magnificent views of the Spanish coastline. The journey took just over one hour. Travelling alone, I felt comfortable and safe. I was somewhat nervous in my approach, as I have not dated for a long time. My barriers were raised from the hurtful pains of the past. Yet no grudges no hate, as we pass through this wonderful world, we walk the song of confrontation and love. I am just a bloke trying to get by like everyone else, though just maybe, I can have some fun along the way.

Alicante, Montaditos and fun by R Colclough

I arrived at the station in Alicante. I proceeded to the exit, reaching the outside of the station, I looked around the city, historical buildings, open spaces, spotlessly clean sidewalks, and tiled promenade's, also a varied range of retail outlets, bars and other services. I will refrain from the word cosmopolitan, it's more than that. A thriving combination of new and old, the diversity of Alicante holds a fascinating gift for those who walk the path of its city life.

I text Marian to inform her of my position, and she came as quickly as she could. She greeted me with her lovely smile. I looked upon her face, and she gave me her heart, the world transformed with the glow of the city, and the breath of the sea, this was to be a most joyful day.

Alicante, Montaditos and fun by R Colclough

Alicante, Montaditos and Fun

We then strolled down a beautifully tiled pathway towards the sea holding hands. She could speak a small amount of English, and I could speak a small amount of Spanish, although we got by, enjoying each others company. I find some things can be said without talking, a glance or a smile can say a lot. Her good manners and her heartfelt charm gave me a feeling of respect for her, and my treatment towards her was of etiquette and kind. It is important to be right and proper, the befitting way to treat a nice Spanish lady. Reaching the end of the pathway and crossing the road, the harbour, a painting of blue and white, the boats bobbing around to the soft music of the sea. If you listen carefully you can hear the calm whispers of the sea, empowering your senses and flavouring your thoughts. Marian then introduced me to the masters of the past, an architectural dream, the magnificent buildings designed by men of vision, monuments to stand through the immortality of time. This city of life, a time capsule of history, echoing the achievements of so many things. The people of Alicante can walk with pride retaining their values of tradition and family life.

Alicante, Montaditos and fun by R Colclough


After all that walking, it was time for a bite to eat, we rested at a very pleasant pavement cafe. Marian suggested that we have montaditos something I have never tried before.
They were small baguettes with a choice of delicious fillings at a reasonable cost. You don't need to go to a 5-star restaurant to find good food. I have sampled street food in many countries, if the food sellers are popular and busy, you know it is a good and a safe place to eat. We enjoyed our montaditos, and we washed it down with cold beer.
Marian then asked me if I'd like to go for a walk or dancing, as in Alicante the dancing starts on a Saturday afternoon, so it was dancing for me.

Alicante, Montaditos and fun

We spent the rest of the afternoon drinking beer and dancing to Spanish music, although I was the only English person in the bar, I felt very welcome. The dress code was casual but smart.
There was no bad behaviour in the bar, just respectful feelings towards each other.

We had great fun, but with the evening curtain drawing slowly over the Alicante sky, it was time for me to catch my tram. After a tearful goodbye at the station, my journey began to my good friends in Benidorm. When I returned to Benidorm, my mood changed, touching my very soul, I felt different somehow. My barrier lowered thanks to Marian, and my mistrust in love, reduced to just a small echo in time. I now look forward to my next travelling encounter, it's good going to Benidorm, having good times and drinking, but, there is so much more to do and see. The history and culture, the glowing happiness and contentment of the Spanish people, it's all there for you. So when you are in Benidorm, take a bus ride jump on a tram, you will not be disappointed.

Article and photography by Benidorm Seriously member R Colclough

More information about Alicante and things to do can also be found here 

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