Gastronomic Benidorm 2024 - Tuna Days from 12th to 21st April
Gastronomic Benidorm 2024 - Tuna Days. This is a fantastic opportunity to try some exquisite creations and enjoy unique, gastronomic experiences. Tuna Days is held in honour of Benidorm's tuna fishing tradition, and is part of Gastronomic Benidorm Events. Many innovative dishes will be available, from 13 different restaurants, from 12th to 21st April (see information below).
Benidorm is where you will find some off the best bluefin tuna dishes in the world. The Mediterranean coast is rich in bluefin tuna, and Benidorm has some of the best restaurants offering this delicacy.
Enjoy Tuna Week which is organised by the Tourism Department and ABRECA.
For this years Tuna Week, a "ronqueo", will be featured, this is a traditional Spanish technique that involves cutting directly into the fresh tuna. The carving is performed in front of the public, which adds a visual and educational experience to the tasting of the dish. This is an example of how culture and gastronomy can go hand in hand to create a unique and memorable culinary experience in our town of Benidorm.
Participating restaurants . Click on the photo for more information and maps.
Benidorm boasts a long tradition linked to tuna fishing, and thanks to the international prestige of its tuna fishing captains, who lead catches in the main tuna fishing grounds of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, with companies full of Benidorm locals specialising in tuna fishing and the tuna trap trade, taking prestige and the Benidorm name all over the world.