FREE parking in Benidorm, find out where.

FREE Parking in Benidorm

FREE Parking in Benidorm - If you are travelling to Benidorm by car, Benidorm currently (March 2023) offers just over 7,000 FREE parking spaces, in 36 different locations.

Benidorm is a large town/city with many different areas to explore, find out about all these areas here.

If you choose to park on the road side, many of these areas are Zoned and at certain times of the day/year are payable, check the nearest machine for information.

Along the road you will spot different coloured lines, these indicate what type of parking area you are in.

Blue - Paid zones. Light Blue - Payable in Summer. Orange - Residents Only.  Green - Residents Only.  Blue and Green - Payable in summer.  Pink zones are for loading and unloading only. 

Parking in Benidorm

If you are unlucky enough to get a parking ticket or any other driving fine, or your car is towed away, find out what to do here.

15th June 2024 - Just in time for the busiest time of the year! Yet another free parking area for Benidorm is now open. The parking is in the Rincon area of the town, in the avenida Almirante Bernat de Sarrià close to calle Zamora on a plot of 2,800 m2. It has space for 110 cars. This brings the number of free parking areas within the municipality to 40, with 8,400 free parking spaces in total. 

FREE Parking in Benidorm - Current Locations - Click on the links for an interactive google map.

1 - Recinto Ferial, Avenida de Inglaterra, 467 Spaces (East)

2 - Plaza de Torres,  C/ Ntra. Sra. del Rocio, 112 spaces (East)

3 - Parc de Foietes, Mercasa,  440 spaces (East)

4 - Parc de Foietes, Av. 9 d'Octubre, 99 spaces (West)

5 - Parc de Foietes, Av. Venezuela, 46 spaces (West)

6 - C/ Honduras, 22 spaces (West)

7 - Via Parque, Avda. Xixo, 200 spaces (West)

8 - Via Parque, Av. Cuba, 510 spaces (West)

9 - La Cala, Av. Benissa, 41 spaces (West)

10 - La Cala, Av. Marina Baixa, 95 Spaces (West)

11 - La Cala, Av Marina Alta, 60 spaces (West)

12 - C/ Presidente Adolfo Suárez, 99 spaces (West)

13 - La Cala, C/ Cornellana, 22 spaces (West)

14 - Via Parque, Av. Villajoyosa, 200 spaces (West)

15 - La Cala, Pz. Las Tiendas, 24 spaces (West)

16 - La Cala, C/ Secretario Juan Baldoví, 30 Spaces (West)

FREE Parking in Benidorm 

FREE parking in Benidorm

17 - Rincón de Loix, Av. Derramador, 42 spaces (East)

18 - Rincón de Loix, C/ Zamora, 148 spaces (East)

19 - Av. de I'Almirall Bernat de Sarria, 134 Spaces (East)

20 - Estacion de Autobuses, 355 spaces (East)

21 - Av. Comunitat Valenciana, 160 spaces (East)

22 - C/ Assagador de la Barrina (Trinquet), 235 spaces (East)

23 - Via Parque, Av. Vincente Perez Devesa, 355 spaces (West)

24 - Av. Papa Juan Pablo II, 215 spaces (West)

25 - Entrada CV-70, Av. Beniardá, 1,004 spaces (West) 

26 - Complejo Salt de l'Aigua, 321 spaces (East)

27 - Camí del Salt de l'Aigua, 45 spaces, (East)

28 - Els Tolls, C/ Italia, 304 spaces (East)

29 - Calle Jaén. 95 spaces (East) Close to New Life, Bar Mallorca, Rio Park etc

30 - Rincón de Loix, Av. Juan Fuster Zaragoza. 174 spaces (East)

31 - C/ Lérida, 177 spaces (East)

32 - Av. Puerto Rico y Av. República Argentina, 200 spaces (West)

33 - Av. Comunidad Europea, 760 spaces (East)

34 - Paseo Els Tolls, 100 spaces (East)

New car park with almost 400 spaces available in c / Jaén between Cuenca and Mallorca streets, occupies an area of 2,600 square meters and has capacity for almost a hundred spaces.

New free public parking with almost a hundred spaces on Avenida Comunidad Valenciana with capacity for 94 spaces.

Please note the above information has been supplied by Ayuntamiento Benidorm (movilidad-y-trafico) and may change, without prior warning.

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Do you have any tips on where to park in Benidorm?  If so comment below.


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Comments (7)
  • Benidorm town hall´s efforts to provide free "slightly out of town" parking continues, with the opening of another area of a 16,581m2 plot, whichBenidorm town hall´s efforts to provide free "slightly out of town" parking continues, with the opening of another area of a 16,581m2 plot, which will accomodate 662 vehicles. The new area is on the Levante side of town, in the avenida Bernat de Sarrià, close to the calle Ciudad Real. The plot has been cleared, weeded, compacted and has had gravel laid, with street lighting installed too. It is near enough to be used by visitors to the hospital, health centre, market and sporting facilities, as well as residents and tourists alike. The declared long term plan of the town hall is to try and keep as many cars as possible out of the main centre of town.   More ...
  • This is a great place to park but a word of warning for Motorhomes. Don't park overnight or you will get moved on by the Police or if you are notThis is a great place to park but a word of warning for Motorhomes. Don't park overnight or you will get moved on by the Police or if you are not there they put a letter on your windscreen telling you to move or they will tow you away. Unfortunately all the campsites are fully booked at the moment so you can legally park on the road in a safe way and sleep and cook in your Motorhome.   More ...
  • Martin Hills This is news to me. How would you prove the campsites are full. I doubt there is ever a time when all the campsites are 100% full. IMartin Hills This is news to me. How would you prove the campsites are full. I doubt there is ever a time when all the campsites are 100% full. I was on El Raco this week. It certainly is not full  More ...
  • Derek Hi
    You don't have to prove campsites are full.
    Local law is no camping in car parks.
    At least ten Motorhomes were parked overnight.
    We allDerek Hi
    You don't have to prove campsites are full.
    Local law is no camping in car parks.
    At least ten Motorhomes were parked overnight.
    We all got love letters from the Local Police advising us to move within 24 hours or be towed away.
      More ...
  • Martin Hills Maybe I am misunderstanding you. You said "Unfortunately all the campsites are fully booked at the moment so you can legally park onMartin Hills Maybe I am misunderstanding you. You said "Unfortunately all the campsites are fully booked at the moment so you can legally park on the road in a safe way and sleep and cook in your Motorhome". I read that as being allowed to park at the side of the road because the campsites were full but not under normal circumstances. Is that what you are saying?.   More ...
  • Derek Sorry I should have separated the comments about parking on the road. We managed to park on Av de Monte Carlo in the end with no bother fromDerek Sorry I should have separated the comments about parking on the road. We managed to park on Av de Monte Carlo in the end with no bother from the police. It looks like Benidorm could do with more campsites. If they are are full now, what's it going to be like in the summer.
    We are back on our travels back home now.
    See you all another time.
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  • Martin Hills I suspect this incident is more to do with the police officer couldn't be bothered with the hassle of paperwork and knew you were notMartin Hills I suspect this incident is more to do with the police officer couldn't be bothered with the hassle of paperwork and knew you were not going to be parked for long. It would be very rare for every campsite to be full, almost impossible to prove if trying to justify it as an excuse for parking on the road, and even if you could I don't think it means parking on the road becomes permissible. While it is pleasant to find a police officer who will turn a blind eye to something minor, it is not a good idea to assume it is legal. The next police offer may not be so friendly.

    It's a completely different topic but I had an incident recently while walking my dog. When the dog fouled in the undergrowth beside the road, I produced a plastic bag to lift it. A police car pulled up and told me not to bother. He said it was not somewhere people would walk, so to just leave it. He said using plastic was a bigger problem. Now I'm confused. Is that a change in the law?, Is it just his opinion that it is worse to use plastic?, or was he being friendly and could see the task of gathering the droppings would not be easy? When the law is not enforced it can often lead to confusion.
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