Travelling alone?  Concerned that you may spend your entire Holiday alone?  That is so unlikely in Benidorm.  But join t...

Travelling alone?  Concerned that you may spend your entire Holiday alone?  That is so unlikely in Benidorm.  But join this group to meet like minded solo travellers looking for companions and friends for company.

Please Note we have a separate Group for those looking for friendship of a more intimate nature.  Please do not join THIS group to "hit" on members.  


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  • GARETH PARSONS joined this group
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  • Brus Beniik joined this group
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  •   Rosalyn Bethell commented on this post about 3 weeks ago
    I will be in Benidorm from the 12th to 17th May if anyone fancies a drink
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  • Margaret Rathbone joined this group
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  • Emma Roberts joined this group
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  • Sandra Eriksen joined this group
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  • Paul Irish joined this group
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  • David Cox joined this group
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