The place to find all your upcoming events in Benidorm and UK events with connections to Benidorm. Benidorm is the entertainment capital or Europe and you will find many Spanish Live music events and films being shown in the Old Town. This page will detail all the live Spanish events here in Benidorm as well as details of upcoming tour dates from your favourite entertainers who are normally based in the New town/Rincon de Loix area.
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If you would like your upcoming event featured on this page, you already have the ability to do that. These events can be created within your Business Directory listing and will then automatically be displayed on this page. If you have forgotten your log details for your listing, speak to a member of the admin team and we will be happy to get you up and runing again
If you have not yet read our article on How to achieve Successful Advertising, I suggest that may be a better place to start. It will help make the information here relevant as we explain successful advertising with Benidorm Seriously.
At Benidorm Seriously we strive to make your advertising a success. Our Article Successful Advertising explains some of the steps needed to make your advertising a success. Unlike other advertising mediums we do not simply place your advert and forget about it.
We actively set out to make sure your advertising is profitable for you. After all, if your advertising with us works. We have a repeat customer year after year. We recognise that is it in our own interest to make your advertising a success. That is the reason our entire team get behind your promotion.
But now it’s time for a confession. One of the packages we offer is a complete advertising management package. With that Package we will guarantee you will at least get a return on your advertising investment equal to the price paid. If not, we will refund the difference. It sounds too good to be true.... There is of course one small catch. With this package we charge an additional 10% of everything we earn for you over and above the initial cost, but, it is genuinely risk free. Profit or your money back.
Now the confession. We will work on your advertising for a maximum of ten minutes per day. We know that’s all it will take to make it profitable but will earn us more money.
On the other hand, We are equally as happy to show you exactly what you need to do to achieve the same results spending just 10 minutes per day promoting your business. Do it yourself and pay us nothing other than the normal price of your advertising package.
Here are the tricks of the trade,
Successful advertising with Benidorm Seriously Facebook Group.
Post once per day. Always include a picture with your post. Try to change the information but maintain a common theme. ( the common theme is to make the post instantly recognisable as "your" post.) Experiment with your posts in the early days and find out what works best for you but be careful. Comedy posts for example can be highly effective at gaining a reaction, but they will only be profitable if your business name is prominent. Otherwise they become “Tasty Tasty Very Very Tasty” (See Successful Advertising, if this needs clarification). It is better to post to your own page and share it with Benidorm Seriously, that way one post covers all and you will also be able to see the statistics to help improve the reaction to your posts.
Monitor reactions to your post and reply to any questions asked.
Do not become impatient on days when your post does not produce a big reaction and be tempted to post several times more (or to give up for that matter). Too many posts can lead to the reader selecting the option on Facebook “I don’t want to see this”. Do not expect every post to be topic of the day.
This activity will create the repetition effect. Readers who ignore your posts will still remember your name. In time, if and when they are interested in what you are selling, they will remember your name.
Successful advertising with Benidorm Seriously Business Directory.
This is your own personal selling space. It is carrying all of your details for contact, but you have the ability to do so much more. Give the reader a reason to want to come back and visit it on a regular basis. Remember our admin team add links to your directory not just with every post you make, but with every post we feel could lead to a potential customer for you. Encourage your customers to leave reviews for you on your Directory Entry. These reviews are the internet equivalent of word of mouth advertising. Use the other features of the Directory to add pictures and videos. Change them periodically. Enter your opening hours, Create announcements for readers to see when they visit. There are many automated systems set up within the website. For example. If you create an offer for members within the Directory That offer (once approved) is advertised on the front page of the website as well as on other pages, which are periodically promoted by our admin team. Your Business Directory entry portrays how our admin team will portray your business.
This form of advertising fulfils the need for the visitor to be able to find you. I don’t mean just maps. The customer needs something and you have been busy on Facebook reminding them every day of what you do. They have remembered your name or at least what you do, but now, they cannot find your last post, they are not sure where you are based. Have you an email address? Remember Yellow pages? Online Directories have replaced Yellow pages. The Benidorm Seriously member will check the Directory for you. Pay a little attention to what they will see when they find you. If you are already one of our advertisers, and you have not used your business Directory. The following may be a wake-up call.
Find your Directory entry now. Then open up the profile. In the top right hand corner there is a little "eye" symbol. Beside that there is a number. That number is the number of people who have viewed your profile since March 2020. That is not the number of people who happened to notice your post on Facebook. That is the number of people who went looking for you. Did you get a customer? We can send the customers to you, but in the end you have to close the deal. We really cant do everything for you.
Website advertising
This is passive advertising. It is similar to placing your adverts in the newspapers or on the Radio. But it still works. Why? Because your advert is again subject to repetition. Over 2 million people use the website every year from almost every country of the world. Most of those are from the UK and a quarter of a million from Spain. If you really cannot be bothered to promote your business, this method of advertising will at least do the Mathematics for you. With this form of advertising you can look at any time and see just how many times your advert has been seen. How many times viewers have clicked on it to find out more. You are then able to consider how many of those people have given you business. What is the average profit per customer and from that you can quickly see if the advert is paying for itself. The advert is your fishing Rod. Sometime you need a net to actually catches the fish
The Classified Section of our website is free to use. This is the area the corresponds with the odd job section of Newspapers. It is often overlooked by sponsors fixated on the Facebook Group, but it is the area visitors return to again and again. Check any advert on the site right now. You can see how many hits the advert has received. Hits here are important. They are people who are interested. Not people who just noticed as they were browsing for something else
This entire process will take 10 minutes per day on Facebook and 10 Minutes once per month updating your directory entry. It will produce results. That is why we offer to do it for you free. if you are happy to share the profit.
Thank you for reading. Everyone at Benidorm Seriously wishes you a very successful year in Business
For more information, contact an admin on our Facebook Group
Did you know that between Billboards, Shop signs, Television Radio etc etc there are over 3,000 attempts to sell you something every single day. Gone are the days when the travelling salesman could sell ointment to grow hair on a billiard ball. We have built up a buyers resistance that serves no purpose other than to avoid bankruptcy. To compete in to-days markets advertising is an essential business expense. This is a guide to achieve Successful Advertising
Successful Advertising is not an art. It is a Science. Mathematics to be exact The art only comes into it for fine tuning, when you have the Science part right.
If you ask a child to stand in the street with an sign saying "Apple for sale". Sooner or later, someone will stop and buy that apple from that child. It is just a matter of time and how many must walk past, before we find the one who takes pity on the child and makes the purchase. To coin a phrase, "It is a numbers game". But you need to get the numbers right as there is a very limited time before you will be arrested for child slavery.
In business there are many ways to reduce the numbers. That being the case, lets concentrate on what works
To see how Advertising with Benidorm Seriously can meet ALL your requirements for Successful Advertising click here
People do not read adverts. They will only read what interests them. Sometimes that is an advert.
When someone sees your advert. They will not bother to read it. Unless of course it is something they happen to be looking for at that point in time. Your advert will be instantly forgotten. There is only one way to avoid this. Repetition.
Repetition for Successful Advertising
Repetition can come in many forms and is often not so obvious as it may sound. But the technique here is to repeat your advertising over and over again until the viewer has embedded the information in the subconscious. Once that has been achieved it will not be forgotten and will be instantly recalled when the time is right.
Don’t take my word for it. Let me give you some examples of Successful Advertising using repetition at work
Coca Cola. I challenge you to take a 5 miles journey in any direction from your home without passing a Coca Cola Sign. They are there, you just never noticed them before. Pay particular attention to the shop windows that you pass.
Do you remember an advert on television that ran for many years and I believe still does, with the musical jingle “For hands that do dishes that feel soft as your face”. It was so repetitive on prime-time television that the term “Fairy Liquid”, is now used instead of “Washing up liquid” by many people.
Be careful with this one. There was also another advert with the Musical jingle “They’re tasty tasty very very tasty”. This one failed because they forgot to mention the product in the repetition. It is simply the song that is remembered.*
I’m sure you can think of loads more, but my point is to get the information embedded, so that it can be instantly recalled when it is needed.
There are less obvious ways to gain repetition. It is not always necessary to place your advert in a high-profile position. It is better placed in a position where people will look when they need whatever it is that you are selling. Again, let me give you a few examples
Yellow pages for many years was the first place people looked when they needed a Plumber, Electrician, Chimney Sweep etc. In its hey day it was the number one form of advertising anywhere. That only stopped when the internet became the easier option to search directories. The use of Directories did not stop.
Most local newspapers have small classified sections in them for things like Car Sales and one for odd jobs, such as erecting television aerials or fixing washing machines. The reader is aware those sections are there. He sees them every week repetitively as he browses the newspaper. He never pays them any attention, until he needs to change his car, or the washing machine breaks down. Then he knows where to look. Repetition in action for Successful Advertising .
Another less obvious one is location. Most people move to a new house no more than once every 10 years throughout their lifetime. There are not a lot of opportunities for the Estate agents to make money. Now take a second and think of the most popular estate agent in your town. The chances are it is not the one with the best location on the High Street. It is probably one that is located it a position on a busy road junction, where thousands of people drive past every day and subconsciously see their sign preferable straight in front of them. You never even notice them. Until of course you are ready to buy or sell a property. Then you have the combination of the two. It is the First name you thought of, and, they have the most “for sale” and “sold” signs throughout town. It is an upward spiral.
In summary. You can pay for a full or half page advert on the front page of the local newspaper. But it will still not sell your product to the reader who does not need it. It will, however, sell your product if you can afford to place that avert, in the same Newspaper, in the same page position every week.
And that takes us to managing the cost of your advertising
Managing the Cost
Its true, there is no better advertising than word of mouth, and its free. But word of mouth can be slow. I started by stating that advertising was a numbers game. Word of mouth advertising will produce the highest ratios regarding numbers but is one customer for ten people told, better than one customer for 100 people told? Not if your advert reaches 100,000 people and word of mouth reaches 20. Do not fool yourself into believing that word of mouth it is all that is needed. Unless your business is already at the level you want it. Word of mouth is not going to do it alone.
Your advertising is no different from any other part of your business. If it is not profitable stop and change. Let’s have a look at the Mathematics.
If you place an advert in a Newspaper, Website, Radio or wherever. What is that advert going to cost you and how much business do you need to get back in return? If you are selling a product that generates a profit of 500€ and the advert costs 500€, You need 1 sale to break even and two sales for a profit. If the product only generates a profit of 10€, the same advertising media needs to generate 50 sales, just to break even.
In selecting your advertising media, you need to consider
The Reach, how many people will see the advert. This does not mean how many Newspapers are printed. Or how many people live in the town the radio station covers. Not every paper printed is sold. Every person in their car is not listening to the same radio station. You need to make an estimate of how many will see your advert.
What percentage of those who encounter your advert will react to it. Remember they will only react when they are ready. If you are a car mechanic and the reader has just bought a second hand car, you will need to repeat your advertising for perhaps 2 years before his car starts to give trouble and he reacts to your advert.
Of those who contact you, what percentage will buy from you
How much profit will you generate from those sales?
Now compare that with your advertising cost.
If there is any profit at all then it is worth doing. It is not costing you anything but repeating the process over and over again will generate additional sales from those who have subconsciously embedded your name in their memory and also increase the number of people who can contribute to your “word of mouth” campaign.
If there is significant profit, it would be foolish not to repeat it.
If the figures come out at a loss, then you must consider time. Is it likely to be profitable with repeated efforts? Remember repetition works. For example, if the advert costs 50€ and one sale will produce a profit of 1,000€, then perhaps yes, try again. Even if you get the sale on the third attempt it will be worth it.
But if the advert cost 50€ and the profit is going to be 10€, maybe you need to think of another advertising medium.
A completed example of Successful Advertising .
You are a Bar owner. You have estimated that every customer who comes into your bar generates an average of 10€ of profit (some more some less, I am using an average) The cost to place an advert on a website for example is 1€ for every click. That means if you spend 200€ your advert is displayed on the website until it has been clicked 200 times. In this example there is no risk regarding how long you must advertise for, or how many will see your advert. You know you will generate at least 200 people interested in the information on your bar. Let’s say of those 200 people only 10% will take the time to visit the bar. That is 20 visitors. They are unlikely to call alone, so that becomes 40 visitors. That should generate at least 400€ of profit from their first visit. We can ignore return visits and word of mouth recommendations. We can see already that if the estimates are correct you will profit from this advertising.
And now we can use art to improve the Science. If what they see when they click on your advert is improved, we may increase that ratio to 25% visits from the clicks etc. It is still a numbers game.
If you are already spending money on advertising. Here are a few questions you need to ask yourself
If advertising in a Newspaper, you will I am sure have checked your advert every week. Name one advert that also sits on the same page. If you didn’t notice, why would anyone else have noticed yours?
If you currently advertise on Radio. I presume you listen to the station for your advert. What other businesses have you heard advertised? Now consider this. Can you remember their contact details? Can you find them easily when you need them?
If you use website advertising, you are advertising to people with a specific interest. They are browsing web pages for a reason. Are you selling Dog food to Dog owners? Or selling dog food to anyone who just might have a dog some day?
To see how Advertising with Benidorm Seriously can meet these requirements for Successful Advertising click here
You can also see the effect of Direct marketing by watching our sponsors use our Facebook Group
* If it is still bugging you. The very tasty advert was Kelloggs Brand Flakes
On this page you will find special offers from Benidorm Seriously Business Sponsors. These will change on a regular basis so visit this page often to see all the latest offers, so grab yourself a bargain, save money on food and drink, treat yourself to some beauty treatments or even save money on your next holiday or health insurance. Every little helps.
All Special Offers shown on this page are directly from our sponsors.
Benidorm Seriously do not have any control of the terms, conditions or accuracy of these listings
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We also have the following offers available for advertiser's with Benidorm Seriously
Expenditure: Interaction with the Facebook group is permissable on all expenditure of 150€ or more |
Business Directory |
Website Advertising
Spend 150€ |
Either, Standard Entry in Business Directory |
Or Website advert With Basic Listing |
Spend 200€ |
Free Standard Listing |
200€ advertising |
Spend 300€ |
Featured Listing |
150€ advertising free |
OR Spend 300€ |
Free Standard Listing |
300€ advertising |
Use of Directory |
Use Business Directory to create an offer for members |
Additional 150€ advertising free (one time offer only) |
Spend 500€ |
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500€ advertising |
Spend 1000€ |
Free Featured Listing |
1000€ advertising plus free full page editorial |
Spend 1500 or more |
Free Featured listing |
1500€ advertising plus free full page editorial plus specific pages allocated as "sponsored by" with no other advertising displayed except your company. |
We have additional Sponsorship packages for major sponsors subject to negotiation. Please contact us for details.
For full details of all offers on this page please contact the business directly. Benidorm Seriously are not able to offer any guarantees to the accuracy of the information provided
This Special Offers page is updated daily. Check back often for more.
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