Dogs in hot weather - As temperatures rise, follow this guide to keeping your dog safe and having fun in the summer sun…
Keep up to date with the Daily Weather Forecast HERE
Dogs in Hot Weather - Health issues
Heatstroke in dogs
Dogs can suffer fatal heatstroke within minutes. Unlike humans, dogs can’t sweat through their skin and so they rely on panting and releasing heat through their paw pads and nose to regulate their body temperature and keep cool.
Signs of heatstroke in dogs include collapse, excessive panting, and dribbling.
If you suspect your pet is suffering from the condition, move them to a cool place, preferably with a draught, wet their coat with cool - not freezing - water, and contact your vet immediately.
Once a dog shows signs of heatstroke the damage is often already done, which is why it’s so important to prevent it.
Dogs in Hot Weather - Safety
Dogs in hot cars
Dogs succumb to heatstroke quickly. As above, they cannot sweat in the same way that people can and cannot keep cool as easily as we can. A car can become an oven very quickly even when it doesn’t feel that warm. When it is 22°c outside - within an hour - the temperature in a car can reach an unbearable 47°c.
Never leave a dog in a car, even for a moment. "Not long" is too long.
Police also warn of a hoax circulating on social media
The hoax says “If you see an animal locked in a car in hot weather, take a photo then smash a window to get it out, this means you will not face charges for criminal damage”.
Police say this is UNTRUE.
They say call them immediately, they will decide what to do. List of emergency numbers HERE
How to keep a dog cool and prevent heatstroke
Make sure your dog has access to clean water at all times, ideally a large bowl filled to the brim. Carry water and a bowl with you on walks.
On hot days, walk your dog during the cooler parts of the day, in the early morning and late evening.
Follow the 5 second rule when walking your dogs
The Guardia Civil warn about the danger to dogs paws when walking in hot weather.
Dogs' paw pads can burn on hot pavements. As a general rule, if it's too hot for your hand it's too hot for their paws, put the back of our hand on the asphalt and see if we can keep it there for five seconds, if you cant then its too hot for your dogs to walk on. If it's too hot for the usual long walk, keep your dog mentally stimulated by doing some brain games instead.
Watch your pet for signs of over-heating, including heavy panting and loss of energy. If you recognise these signs when on a walk, stop, find a shady spot and give your dog water.
Never leave your dog (or any pet) alone in a car, even with the windows open
Make cooling tasty treats by making ice cubes with your dog’s favourite food inside or stuff a Kong and pop it in the freezer
Be particularly careful with short nosed dogs such as bull breeds, boxers, pugs, older dogs, and those that are overweight. These dogs can get heatstroke simply by running around.
Dogs in Hot Weather, Water activities
Swimming is excellent exercise for dogs and a great exercise alternative to walking in the summer heat. But remember that not all dogs like to swim, so if yours doesn’t then don’t force them and never throw a dog into water.
Be wary of tides at the beach
Drinking salt water is likely to make your dog sick and isn’t very good for them. Bring fresh water with you to the beach.
Wash salt and sand off your dog’s coat after swimming to prevent it drying and irritating their skin
Be careful to avoid heatstroke on the beach
Watch out for currents in rivers
Check freshwater lakes, rivers, ponds and canals to make sure they are clean before letting your dog dive in. Some types of algae, including blue-green algae, are toxic to dogs. If your dog swims in algae-contaminated water, contact your vet immediately.
Dogs can and do drown in rivers and the sea. If your dog has inhaled water, contact your vet, as they can suffer complications.
Sadly, each year dog owners drown trying to rescue their pets. Don’t risk dangerous situations.
Dogs in Hot Weather
Water Intoxication
Water intoxication is when dogs swallow too much water in a short space of time. It’s rare, but this condition can lead to brain damage and, in extreme circumstances, can be fatal.
Dogs can sometimes swallow too much water when they are swimming, so it’s key that you keep an eye on them when you’re treating them to a cool off.
Five signs that your dog may have water intoxication
Vomiting, Loss of coordination (this can include falling over or swaying), Bloating, Tiredness Pale gums
If your dog starts to struggle with their breathing or loses consciousness after playing in the water, call your vet immediately.
How to stop water intoxication
Monitor your dog carefully while they're playing in the water. If they look like they are swallowing a lot of water, take them out and allow them to relax.
Limit the amount of time dogs spend playing in the water to 10 minutes, allowing them to go to the toilet in between swimming sessions and catch their breath
Always carry fresh drinking water with you when at the beach. Swallowing a lot of salt water can lead to salt poisoning which has the same symptoms as water intoxication.
Dog Friendly Beaches in the Area
Summer skin and coat
Pale-coloured dogs are vulnerable to sunburn, particularly on their ears, noses and sparsely haired areas. Sun damage can lead to skin cancer which may require extensive surgery – even amputation in severe cases. Sunlight can also make existing skin conditions worse, particularly if your dog has allergies.
Put a T-shirt on your dog and cover vulnerable areas to protect them. You can also apply a non-toxic waterproof human sunblock or one specifically made for pets. If your dog’s skin looks sore, crusty or scaly, call your vet.
Grooming your dog is important in the summer months, especially for longhaired breeds, to get rid of matts and tangles. A tangle-free coat will protect your pet’s delicate skin and help to keep them cool. Plus, if your pet’s coat is dirty and matted then you run the risk of flies laying their eggs and becoming maggots. Some breeds may need their coats trimming to keep them comfortable. Ask a professional groomer for advice.
If your dog swims or paddles in the sea to keep cool, remember to rinse the salt water and sand from your dog’s coat after to avoid drying out and irritating their skin.
Dogs in Hot Weather - Creepy crawlies and other dangers
More info on Ticks and other dangerous insects and creepy crawlies can be found HERE
Pests that love to bite your dog come out in their droves in summer. Fleas and ticks thrive in the heat and can be a real nuisance to your furry friend.
Flea bites are annoying and itchy for most dogs, but if your dog is allergic to them then they can cause real discomfort and severe scratching, which can become infected.
Regular flea treatment is the only way to prevent these little critters – a one-off application won’t be enough. The most effective treatments come from your vet, so ask them for a recommendation.
If your dog has fleas you will need to treat your home as well to get rid of the eggs.
Ticks are spider-like, egg-shaped creepy crawlies that are common in woodland, grassland and heath areas.
Ticks carry diseases, so it’s important to remove any that attach themselves to your dog. This can be tricky, as you need to be careful not to squeeze the tick’s body, or allow its head to get stuck inside your dog. Twisting them off your dog is the best removal method, and pet shops sell handy tick-removal devices to make this easier. Ask your vet for advice.
Lyme disease is serious, use tick treatment for your dog which will kill the tick before they can transmit the disease, consult you local vet.
If you are bitten by a tick, contact your doctor, wear long trousers if walking through tick infested areas.
Protecting your pets from Mosquito bites
Dangers of Mosquitoes for Dogs
Mosquitoes can transmit heartworm to dogs, (Dirofilaria immitis) this is a worm that infects the blood vessels and heart of a dog, injuring the dog’s cardiovascular and respiratory systems. If a mosquito bites an infected dog, it can ingest heartworm larvae within that dog’s blood. Those larvae are passed to the next dog that same mosquito bites, and then they mature into adult worms within that second dog’s body.
If left untreated, heartworms can grow up to a foot long. A dog with heartworm can appear lethargic, cough, or vomit, and have difficulty breathing. It is important to treat heartworm early on before significant damage can be done to the dog’s body. Visit your vet for treatment.
Heartworms are often thought of as a problem that only affects dogs, but mosquitoes can spread heartworms to cats too. Canine heartworm disease and feline heartworm disease are different, and a cat’s immune system often kills off the heartworm larvae, stopping the infection.
As a result, cats develop adult heartworms only about 10 percent as often as dogs do. While dogs can have several hundred heartworms at a time, cats only have between one to three adult worms. Heartworm can damage your cats’ lungs and hearts just the same way that it can in dogs.
NEVER use DEET: NEVER use DEET on animals. This is dangerous to your pets. Citronella and eucalyptus oil may be safer but get the advice of your vet before using any mosquito repellent on your pet.
Keep Pets Indoors If possible, keep your pets indoors early in the morning and from dusk onwards. Alternatively, put them in an enclosure fitted with a screen.
Because mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water, it’s important to remove any standing water that may be present, change the water in your pets bowl frequently, during hot weather.
Buy a good quality mosquito collar and change it as recommended by the manufacture.
Use a mosquito repelling shampoo.
There are certain natural ingredients that are safe for use on dogs. Lemon eucalyptus oil is one such ingredient, create a homemade spray, mix 25 drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil and 4 oz of witch hazel. You can also combine these ingredients with some real vanilla extract or peppermint essential oil for even more benefit. Take note when spraying your dog to avoid getting any in their eyes.
Dilute verbena, lavender, pine, catnip, rosemary, basil, thyme, lemon eucalyptus, lemon balm, peppermint, and fennel. essential oils and dab them at the nape of your dog’s neck to naturally repel mosquitoes. Essential oils are extremely concentrated, so always mix them with a carrier oil before application.
Feed your dog some garlic to help repel mosquitoes! Dogs can safely consume 1/4 clove of garlic per ten pounds. Simply mince the garlic and add to your dog’s favorite food,
Bees and wasps
Dogs love to chase buzzing insects, but getting too close can be dangerous.
Most insect stings will simply cause your dog pain and irritation, but multiple stings can be fatal.
Dogs are also at risk when they snap at bees and wasps because this makes them more likely to be stung in the mouth or throat. Stings in these areas are hazardous because any swelling can block your pet’s airway.
Some dogs are allergic to bee and wasp stings, so watch out for signs of allergic reaction, including swelling and difficulty breathing.
If you think your dog has been stung multiple times, or is having an allergic reaction, take them to a vet straight away.
Heatwave Warnings in Spain are released if meteorologists are certain about the occurrence of a severe weather event.
AEMET WEATHER ALERTS Comunidad Valenciana which includes BENIDORM
Next expected heatwave alerts - Tuesday 6th - 10th August between the hours of 13:00 to 21:00
Temperatures in some areas could reach 36ºc (in the shade) - Possible danger of dehydration and heatstroke while doing strenuous activities.
Find daily updates for the Weather in Benidorm here
Yellow - Moderate. The weather is potentially dangerous,
Orange - Dangerous. Moderate to severe weather event.
Red - High Alert. The weather is very dangerous.
Remember that there were 11,300 deaths due to the heat last year in Spain, so take care.
Enjoy the hot weather but Stay Safe in the Sun
What is a Heatwave?
In meteorological terms, high temperatures are not the same as a heat wave. Here in Spain, a heat wave has to have three conditions: extreme temperatures up to 5% higher than the maximum temperatures these need to affect 10% of weather monitoring stations in the country and these high temperatures need to last at least 3 days, which explains why previous days of extreme heat haven’t received this classification so far this year.
Heatwave Warnings
Tips to stay safe during a official Heatwave Warning
Heat stroke
The main symptoms of a heat stroke are fever, disturbances of consciousness that can be accompanied by seizures; dry and very hot skin; fatigue and weakness; dizziness, nausea and vomiting; muscle cramps; severe headache and confusion; shallow, fast breathing; very fast heart rate and weak pulse. In the event of a heat stroke it is necessary to act quickly. Take the affected person into the shade, call the emergency phone 112 and, while waiting for the ambulance arrives, give air with a fan, cool the skin with wet cloths, and give sips of water.
Read more here about keeping safe in the sun
Playing sport in the heat
For those who plan to play sports during the heat wave, it is advisable to take into account the following indications: avoid the central hours of the day; drink plenty of water all day; eat fresh food, fruits and vegetables; do not drink alcohol, nor very sweet or hot drinks; wear loose clothing, light materials and light colors; do not perform physical exercises in hot environments; protect yourself from the sun by wearing a hat or umbrella; use sun creams of at least protection factor 15 and avoid public acts or closed places without ventilation.
Heatwave warnings
Taking care of our pets
The Civil Guard picks up a trick to determine if it's appropriate to take you dogs out for a walk. This is the "five second rule", which consists of placing our own hand on the asphalt for five seconds and, in the event that we can not withstand the temperature, take our pet in a park where there is shade or look for another time for the ride. This will prevent animals from suffering burns on their paw pads. Read more on keeping your dog cool here.
The car, a dangerous greenhouse
A first tip also applicable to adults in the care of minors: a car parked in the sun becomes "a heat-building greenhouse" and a child or animal inside can die from a heat stroke in a few minutes, with an outside temperature of 39ºc, the inside of the car can heat up to more than 60ºc in just 15 minutes.
Heat can also lead to other problems on the road such as a 20% increase in road accidents and a 16% rise in vehicle breakdowns.
Stay Safe in the Sun, your guide to staying healthy and happy in the heat. Heat is the number one weather-related killer. When the body heats too quickly to cool itself safely, or when you lose too much fluid or salt thorough dehydration or sweating, your body temperature rises and heat related illnesses may develop.
Check the Benidorm Weather Forecast HERE
Don´t let these spoil your holiday.
Who is most at risk from hot weather?
While most people find extremely hot weather and heatwaves uncomfortable, some people have a higher risk than others of becoming ill. These include:
Elderly people aged over 75 years
Babies and young children
People with long term health conditions, for example heart or respiratory disease, diabetes or circulatory diseases
People who are obese
People taking certain medicines
People who work outdoors or in hot and poorly ventilated areas
People engaging in vigorous physical activity in hot weather
People who are not acclimatised to the heat, for example overseas visitors.
It’s important to keep drinking water even if you don’t feel thirsty.
Heat is an important environmental and occupational health hazard. Heat stress is the leading cause of weather-related deaths and can exacerbate underlying illnesses including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, mental health, asthma, and can increase the risk of accidents and transmission of some infectious diseases. Heatstroke is a medical emergency with a high-case fatality rate
Stay Safe in the Sun
Tips to help you stay well during hot weather
Drink plenty of water
One of the best ways to avoid heat-related illness is to drink plenty of water. It’s important to keep drinking water even if you don’t feel thirsty because this can prevent you from becoming dehydrated. Avoid alcoholic, hot or sugary drinks (including tea and coffee) because these can make dehydration worse.
Keep your body cool
Keeping as cool as possible can also help you prevent heat-related illness. Make sure you stay out of the sun especially between the hours of midday and 16.00 when the sun is at its strongest here in Spain. Drinking cold drinks and eating smaller, cold meals, such as salads and fruit, can also help you to keep cool. Other things to do include wearing light-coloured and loose-fitting clothes made from natural fibres such as cotton, and taking cool showers or baths.
Keep your room cool
You can help keep your house/rooms cool by shutting curtains and blinds during the day. If using air-conditioning the recommended setting is 21ºc.
Have a plan
Keep an eye on the weather forecast and know who to call if you need help. Ask your doctor before travelling if you have any health conditions that mean you are at greater risk of heat-related illness, and what you need to do about them to keep well in the heat, and how to store any medication you may be on. If you are unwell, contact your doctor or go to the nearest hospital emergency/clinic. If you think your symptoms are serious, call for an ambulance immediately on 112. See the sections below for when you may need to seek medical help.
Stay safe in the sun
If you need to go out in the sun, it's important to protect your own and your children's skin. If you avoid sunburn, you reduce the risk of skin cancer, which is one of the most common cancer.
Stay Safe in the Sun
Sunburn prevention
Here are some tips about using sunscreen and other ways you can stay safe in the sun.
What sun protection factor (SPF) should I use?
To protect against sunburn, you should apply a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30+ or more. Children and people who are prone to sunburn should use a higher SPF. You should use a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen. Apply to clean, dry skin at least 20 minutes before you go outside, and then reapply every two hours.
Make sure your sunscreen has not passed its expiry date and hasn’t been stored in direct sunlight or hot temperatures such as in a hot car or by the pool. This is because sunscreen can deteriorate and not be as effective in these circumstances.
What does broad spectrum mean?
There are three types of ultraviolet (UV) radiation: UVA, UVB and UVC. Broad spectrum products provide protection against the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. UVC is blocked by the ozone layer. The SPF is a measurement of the amount of UVB protection, and if a sunscreen is labelled ‘broad spectrum’ it also offers UVA protection. It is important to note that some sunscreens are SPF50+ but are not broad spectrum. Look for ’broad spectrum’ on the product’s label.
How much sunscreen should I put on?
An average-size adult should use about one teaspoon of product on each arm and leg, on their back and on their torso. Half a teaspoon should be applied to the face and neck – including the ears and the back of the neck. Children need about half of this amount. Reapply sunscreen regularly.
Should I reapply sunscreen if I go swimming?
Water washes sunscreen off and the cooling effect of the water can make you think you're not getting burnt. Water also reflects UV rays, increasing your exposure. Even sunscreens labelled ‘water-resistant’ should be reapplied every two hours after going into the water. All sunscreens will rub off through toweling and perspiration as well, so it's important to reapply it every two hours anyway.
Stay Safe in the Sun
Is sunscreen the only sun protection I need?
Sunscreen should not be used to increase the amount of time you spend in the sun, and should be used in conjunction with other sun protection measures.
The best way to protect yourself is to: slip on some sun-protective clothing that covers as much skin as possible. Slop on broad-spectrum, water-resistant SPF30+ sunscreen. Slap on a hat which is broad-brimmed to protect your face, head, neck and ears. Seek some shade. Slide on some sunglasses, making sure they meet European Standards
What heat-related illnesses should I look out for?
Sun Burn - Treatments to soothe sunburn.
1. Fill a spray bottle with an even mixture of apple cider vinegar and water to instantly relieve the pain.
2. Apply cold yogurt on your burn for 10 minutes to help your sunburned skin heal. Pick up a cold plain yogurt, which contains a lot of probiotics that will help restore your skin's natural barrier, and spread a thin layer over your sunburn. Let the yogurt sit for about 10 minutes, and then gently dab it off with a cold rag.
3. Sprinkle corn starch on yourself or your sheets to ease the pain while sleeping.
4. Take an oatmeal bath to soothe itchy skin.
Grind a cup of old-fashioned oatmeal in the blender or food processor and pour the oatmeal grinds in a bath full of warm water before getting in. The oatmeal will help calm any inflammation and soothe itchy skin.
5. Spread a thin layer of raw honey on the affected area to help reduce infection.
Raw honey, a natural antiseptic, can help heal damaged skin. Carefully spread it on the area, cover it with gauze, and let it sit.
6. Lather your skin with a milk-based lotion on your sunburn to keep your skin moisturised.
7. Wear loose clothing while your skin is healing.
8. One of the best remedies for a sunburn is to lather your skin with aloe vera gel, and a way to make it feel even better is to chill it beforehand to instantly ease some of the painful heat.
9. Soak a small washcloth in a pot of cooled black tea and dab it on your sunburn to relieve some of the sting.
10. Crush aspirin into a powder and add a bit of water to create an anti-inflammatory paste. Crush a few aspirin tablets, which will help reduce inflammation, and add the powder to a bit of water to create a paste-like texture. Spread the mixture on top of your burn, and gently rinse it off after a few minutes.
11. Lay a baby wipe on top of your sunburn to temporarily cool the area.
12. Drink lots of water and take ibuprofen as soon as you realize you have a sunburn to reduce the pain and swelling.
13. Add a bit of baking soda to lukewarm bathwater to soothe uncomfortable skin.
14. Apply menthol shaving cream to the burnt areas, leave on for about 30 minutes.
Heat rash
This is an itchy, painful rash commonly called prickly heat. It is caused by excessive sweating during hot, humid weather, and particularly affects young children.
Symptoms: A cluster of red pimples or small blisters, particularly on the neck or upper chest, or in creases in the groin, elbow and under the breasts.
What to do: Move to a cooler, less humid environment. Keep the affected areas dry (powder can help), and avoid using ointments or creams because they keep the skin warm and moist which can make the condition worse. Using Dettol soap can help avoid prickly heat.
Stay Safe in the Sun
This occurs when the body doesn't have enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal functions.
Symptoms: Dizziness, tiredness, irritability, thirst, dark yellow urine, loss of appetite, fainting.
What to do: Drink plenty of water or diluted fruit juice or Aquarius (pictured below) and avoid tea, coffee and alcohol. Move to somewhere cool (preferably air-conditioned), and if possible use a spray bottle filled with water to cool you down. If you start to feel unwell, call the emergency department on 112
Heat cramps
These usually affect people who sweat a lot during strenuous activity, causing the body to lose salt and water. This can lead to heat cramps.
Symptoms: Muscle pains or spasms. Heat cramps can also be an early symptom of heat exhaustion.
What to do: Stop all activity and lie in a cool place (preferably air-conditioned) with your legs raised slightly. Drink water or diluted fruit juice, or Aquarius (pictured above), which will help replace lost salts and minerals, have a cool shower or bath, massage your limbs to ease the spasms and apply cool packs. Do not go back to strenuous activity until a few hours after the cramps have subsided. If they continue for more than one hour seek medical attention.
Heat exhaustion
This is the body´s reaction to losing excessive amounts of water and salt contained in sweat.
Symptoms: Heavy sweating, pale skin, fast and weak pulse rate, fast and shallow breathing, muscle weakness or cramps, tiredness and weakness, dizziness, headaches, nausea or vomiting, fainting.
What to do: Move to a cool place (preferably air-conditioned) and lie down. Remove excess clothing, take small sips of cool fluids, and have a cool shower, bath or sponge bath. Put cool packs under the armpits, on the groin or on the back of the neck to reduce body heat. If symptoms last for longer than one hour, go to the nearest hospital emergency department/clinic, or call 112 for an ambulance.
Heat stroke
This occurs when the body temperature is not controlled properly and it rises above 40.5°C. It is the most serious heat-related illness and is a life-threatening emergency. Immediate first aid aimed at lowering the body temperature as quickly as possible is very important.
Symptoms: A sudden rise in body temperature, red, hot dry skin (because sweating has stopped – though the person may still be sweaty if they have been exercising), dry, swollen tongue, rapid pulse, rapid shallow breathing, intense thirst, headache, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, confusion, poor coordination or slurred speech, aggressive or bizarre behaviour, loss of consciousness, seizures or coma.
What to do: Call 112 immediately and ask for an ambulance. While you are waiting for help, move the person to a cool, shaded area and keep them as still as possible. Remove excess clothing and give them small sips of water if they are conscious and able to drink. Bring their temperature down any way you can, for example by gently spraying them with cool water from a spray bottle soaking their clothes with cool water, or sponging their body with cool water. Place cool packs under their armpits, on the groin or on the back of their neck to reduce body heat. Do not give aspirin or paracetamol because they won’t help and may be harmful. If they are unconscious, lay the person on their side (the recovery position) and check they can breathe properly. Perform CPR if needed.
Swollen legs, fee and hands in hot weather
Having swollen Limbs is often both annoying and uncomfortable. No one wants to feel like their rings are cutting off their circulation. Swelling, also known as edema and can happen anywhere in the body. It’s commonly seen in the hands, arms, feet, ankles, and legs.
What causes the swelling? When you’re suddenly exposed to unusually hot temperatures, your body may struggle to cool itself down. Normally, your body pushes warm blood toward the surface of your skin, where it cools down by sweating. On hot and humid days, this process may not work properly. Instead, fluid might accumulate in your hands instead of evaporating through sweat.
This swelling, however natural, can be very uncomfortable or even painful. It may take your body a few days to acclimate to hot weather. Once it does, your swelling should go away.
If it doesn't go down on it's own when you're somewhere cooler, the swelling may be caused by other things, and you should seek help. But in summer, swollen fingers and ankles are an unfortunate, but pretty normal, side effect of enjoying sunny days.
Where can I get help?
If you are unwell and in the new town area of Benidorm go to the centro de salud, take with you, your passport, EHIC/GHIC card and insurance documents or call 112
While you are waiting for an ambulance try to cool yourself down. You can do this by placing ice-packs under your armpits, on your groin or on the back of the neck to reduce body heat. Take a cool shower or bath (if you feel well enough) or spray yourself with cool water from a spray bottle.
High wind warnings - Safety advice. General advice from Generalitat Valenciana
Keep up to date with the weather conditions - daily weather page
These meteorological situations are difficult to predict, and the preventative measures below is advice from Generalitat Valenciana to reduce potential incidents.
Home Safety
Check the houses so that there are no cornices, balconies and facades in poor condition that can cause dangerous items falling
Close doors and windows to avoid drafts that can lead to breakage and falling glass
Secure items such as awnings, blinds and antennas
Remove pots, cages and any object that may fall to the street
What to do on the street or in the countryside
Do not leave if it is not necessary
Stay away from old or shabby houses
Avoid walls and billboards
Trees offer the danger of falling and breaking large branches. Do not transit through parks or tree-lined avenues
Do not pass under scaffolding or buildings under construction
Light poles and high voltage towers are very dangerous. Get away and in case of fall notify 112
Caution on the road during high wind
If possible, avoid driving. Use preferably public transport and if you have to leave, find out about the weather forecast
Reduce speed to safety limits. A wind blow can deviate you from the path
Motorcycles and large vehicles that offer a large area of contact with the wind (trucks, vans, vehicles with trailers or caravans) are in danger of overturning in cross winds
If necessary, stand in a safe area and wait for the wind to subside
Avoid coastal areas
Protect your home against the possible invasion of sea water.
If you are in a campsite stay tuned for the possibility of evacuation
Do not approach promenades, breakwaters or cliffs. The force of water can drag you
Do not drive with vehicles on roads near the beach line
Refrain from practicing any type of water sport. If you have a boat, try to secure your mooring in a sheltered place
Weather warnings explained
Severe weather warnings are generally issued up to 48 hours in advance, if the occurrence of a severe weather event is probable but there are uncertainties about duration, intensity and/or the course of this severe weather event.
Severe weather warnings are released if meteorologists are certain about the occurrence of the severe weather event. The levels are-
Yellow - Moderate. The weather is potentially dangerous,
Orange - Dangerous. Moderate to severe weather event.
Red - High Alert. The weather is very dangerous.
Violet, top warning level for an extremely strong severe weather event in Spain.
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Benidorm Weather Forecast - This page is updated Daily. Welcome to winter in Benidorm.
Find out what to Expect from a holiday in FEBRUARY here.
Today´s Daytime Temperature in Benidorm: 16ºc
Night-time: 6ºc
Continue reading for a full detailed Benidorm weather forecast, a look at the week ahead and average monthly temperatures.
Benidorm Weather Forecast - Today Daytime
The temperature here in Benidorm at 09:30 was 9ºc, and its a clear and cool start to the day. This morning will be a mixture of sunshine and clouds, but it will become increasingly cloudier as the day progresses, with temperatures rising to 16ºc (in the shade).
Chance of Precipitation 1%, Cloud cover 70%, Chance of thunderstorms 0%
Wind Direction and Speed - The wind will be coming from the East with gusts between 7km/h and 26km/h.
Humidity levels are around 57%
Check the weather right now with this Live Webcam courtesy of Wxyz Webcams
UV ratings are LOW at Level 2 peak times are between 12.00 - 16.00 Stay safe in the sun
Sunrise - 08:02
Sunset - 18:28
Duration - 10hrs 26 mins
Sea Temperature - Around 15ºc
Tides - Although not tidal enough for most people to even notice, we do in fact have high and low tides.
HIGH tide - 11:23
LOW tide - 17:30
Allergy outlook - LOW for tree and grass pollen.
Air Quality Today is - FAIR
Excellent - Air quality is ideal for most individuals; enjoy your normal outdoor activities
Fair = Air quality is generally acceptable for most individuals. However, sensitive groups may experience minor to moderate symptoms from long-term exposure.
Poor = Air quality has reached a high level of pollution and is unhealthy for sensitive groups. Reduce time spent outside if you are feeling symptoms such as difficulty breathing or throat irritation.
Benidorm Weather Forecast for TONIGHT
Overnight temperature of 6ºc - Partly cloudy and chilly.
Chance of Precipitation 1%, cloud cover 19% chance of thunderstorms 0%
Wind Speed and Direction - The wind will be coming from the West Southwest with gusts between 7km/h and 17km/h.
Moonrise - 12:24
Moonset - 04:04
Friday 7th - Sunshine and clouds. High 16ºc, low 8ºc, chance of rain 3%
Saturday 8th - Mostly sunny. High 17ºc, low 6ºc, chance of rain 1%
Sunday 9th - Sunshine and clouds. High 16ºc, low 8ºc, chance of rain 2%
Monday 10th - Rather cloudy. High 15ºc, low 7ºc, chance of rain 3%
Tuesday 11th - Mostly sunny. High 14ºc, low 10ºc, chance of rain 5%
Wednesday 12th - Mostly cloudy. High 14ºc, low 11ºc, chance of rain 25%
Thursday 13th - Mostly cloudy. High 15ºc, low 12ºc, chance of rain 25%
Please Note all these temperatures are taken in the SHADE as all Spanish weather forecast readings are.
Thanks to its sheltered position, Benidorm has very mild winters with a good deal of sunshine during January. On average January is the 4th driest month of the year in Benidorm making it a reasonably dry time to visit. Daytime temperature - 15.4°C. Nightly temperature - 5.9°C. Average temperature - 10.6°C. Daily sunshine - 6.1 hrs. Average rainfall - 32 mm. Rainy days - 13 days. Sea temperature - 14.6°C. Humidity - 68%. Windspeed - 9.7kph.
Read about the Month in General HereBenidorm has less rain than many other Mediterranean areas in February, on average February is the 6th driest month of the year and is typically the 2nd coldest month. Daytime temperature - 16.2°C. Nightly temperature - 6.5°C. Average temperature - 11.3°C. Daily sunshine - 6.7 hrs. Average rainfall - 33 mm. Rainy days - 11 days. Sea temperature - 14°C. Humidity - 66%. Windspeed - 12.2kph.
Read about the Month in General HereBenidorm enjoys comfortable and relatively high air temperatures in Spring. March in Benidorm is typically the 4th coldest month and the 6th wettest month of the year. Daytime temperature 17.7°C. Nightly temperature - 7.4°C. Average temperature - 12.5°C. Daily sunshine - 7.3 hrs. Average rainfall - 34 mm. Rainy days - 11 days. Sea temperature - 14.4°C. Humidity - 65%. Windspeed - 11.9kph.
Read about the Month in General HereApril in Benidorm is typically the 6th coldest and 5th wettest month of the year, expect plenty of sunshine without the heat of the summer months. April can be summarized as mild and reasonably dry. Daytime temperature - 19.4°C. Nightly temperature - 9.3°C. Average temperature - 14.3°C. Daily sunshine - 8.2 hrs. Average rainfall - 38 mm. Rainy days - 10 days. Sea temperature - 15.6°C. Humidity - 66%. Windspeed - 12.2kph.
Read about the Month in General HereFor those who are free to travel in school term time, May can be one of the best times to visit. May is typically the 6th warmest and 5th driest month of the year. May can be summarized as mild and reasonably dry. Daytime temperature - 22.4°C. Nightly temperature - 12.4°C. Average temperature - 17.4°C. Daily sunshine - 9.4 hrs. Average rainfall - 32 mm. Rainy days - 9 days. Sea temperature - 18°C. Humidity - 66%. Windspeed - 11.9kph.
Read about the Month in General HereJune in Benidorm is typically the 4th warmest and the 3rd driest month of the year. Sea temperatures are rising nicely and the days are long and sunny. Daytime temperature - 26.2°C. Nightly temperature - 16.2°C. Average temperature - 21.2°C. Daily sunshine - 10.4 hrs. Average rainfall - 22 mm. Rainy days - 6 days. Sea temperature - 21.6°C. Humidity - 66%. Windspeed - 11.5kph.
July in Benidorm is the 2nd hottest and typically the driest month of the year. Daytime temperature - 29.3°C. Nightly temperature - 19.1°C. Average temperature - 24.2°C. Daily sunshine - 11.3 hrs. Average rainfall - 10 mm. Rainy days - 3 days. Sea temperature - 24.7°C. Humidity - 66%. Windspeed - 11.2kph.
August in Benidorm is typically the hottest and 2nd driest month of the year. Daytime temperature - 29.7°C. Nightly temperature - 19.8°C. Average temperature - 24.7°C. Daily sunshine - 10.2 hrs. Average rainfall - 18 mm. Rainy days - 4 days. Sea temperature - 25.9°C. Humidity - 69%. Windspeed - 11.2kph.
Read about the Month in General HereSeptember in Benidorm is generally warm and reasonably dry, and is typically the 3rd warmest and the 4th wettest month of the year. September is a good month if you like swimming in the sea as it will be lovely and warm. Daytime temperature - 27.6°C. Nightly temperature - 17.4°C. Average temperature - 22.5°C. Daily sunshine - 8.7 hrs. Average rainfall - 42 mm. Rainy days - 6 days. Sea temperature - 24.6°C. Humidity - 70%. Windspeed - 9.7kph.
Read about the Month in General HereOctober in Benidorm is typically the 5th warmest month of the year, but Expect some heavier showers as on average October is the wettest month of the year. Daytime temperature - 23.3°C. Nightly temperature - 13.5°C. Average temperature - 18.4°C. Daily sunshine - 7.5 hrs. Average rainfall - 76 mm. Rainy days - 10 days. Sea temperature - 21.8°C. Humidity - 71%. Windspeed - 10.1kph.
Read about the Month in General HereNovember in Benidorm is typically the 5th coldest and the 2nd wettest month of the year. Daytime temperature - 18.8°C. Nightly temperature - 9.5°C. Average temperature - 14.1°C. Daily sunshine - 6.3 hrs. Average rainfall - 53 mm. Rainy days - 10 days. Sea temperature - 18.7°C. Humidity - 69%. Windspeed - 10.4kph.
Read about the Month in General HereThe weather is obviously relatively cold, but warmer than many parts of the UK or other Northern European countries. December is typically the 3rd coldest and 3rd wettest month of the year. Daytime temperature - 15.9°C. Nightly temperature - 6.8°C. Average temperature - 11.3°C. Daily sunshine - 5.9 hrs. Average rainfall - 45 mm. Rainy days - 12 days. Sea temperature - 16°C. Humidity - 69%. Windspeed - 10.4kph.
Read about the Month in General HereThe data used in these monthly averages covers a period of over 100 years.
If you have any questions about the weather, please comment below.